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  • Writer's pictureSiya Success

Dear Forex Traders: "If it cost you your peace, then it's too expensive."

Dear Forex Traders

The problem is NOT forex

The problem started when you play PR by...

Buying a nice car, a nice house, throwing parties with slay queens by your sides, and posting them on social media. I've always wondered "what is the need of taking out my black card. Take a picture and post it on social media?" Unless it exposes me that I'm from poverty.

The problem is that...

You lied by saying you've got a strategy when in fact you were marketing your forex brand or business so that you can get more followers and they, in turn, buy your system, software, strategies, and become part of your gold membership WhatsApp group and seminars.

I repeat, the problem is not forex, but the problem started when you wanted to appear as a guru of forex. The problem started when you realized that you can make money from forex by creating R3000 worth of one-on-one sessions.

R3000 × 10 people in a week that's R30, 000 in a week

In a 4 week month, you make about R120, 000 and that's good money to flex.

Some build investment entities and go around recruiting investors in the hopes of making money for them from the markets. When in turn, they live of that money and squander it.

The story of Alex Hope can give us a glimpse of the perspective of this writing.

Who is Alex Hope?

Alex Hope, should I say WAS the young UK "forex trader" who infamously dropped over $320,000 on Champaign.

Between March 2011 and April 2012, more than 100 investors entrusted £5.5 million with Hope who promised to use their monies to trade on the foreign exchange market.

NOTE: However only 12% of the total sum that the investors gave was ever traded, and "when Hope did trade he lost more than £500,000 of the £650,000 held in his trading accounts."

You will ask, who will give this person money? Well, business, especially running a scam or pyramid scheme organization is about smart marketing and good PR, which most forex traders rely on. Their appearances on social media, and the life of exotic cars, living in mansions and having expensive stuff is their way of luring Investors or followers who will be turned into investors.

Truth is: He did not understand the market, and if he did that was his luck then. However, the problem starts when you recruit people and want to trade for them.

According to the court findings, he spent more than £1 million in a casino, over £200,000 on designer watches and shoes, £60,000 on foreign travel, and at least £600,000 in bars and nightclubs in London, Miami, and New York.

It's funny how the same strategy is been played even this day and times. People, proclaim to be traders, end up making classes, courses and softwares and recruit Investors/people because they claim to be the best in the market. When in reality, the monies they splash for their extravagant lifestyle and luxuries come from investors, instead of on trades.

This has been the reality and would continue to be a reality. It's easier to be an overnight success story through a scam. However, real business and the entrepreneurial startup take time because it's not about the lifestyle, it's about change, making an impact on the economy, building a legacy, and creating employment. It's about having a product or service that is changing the world and impacting human lives.

These are two mindset

You can't claim to be a guru trader, when in fact most of your money is not made from trading or the market itself. Nothing but simple facts!

And the more you flex on social media, there more people want that kind of life, they see it from your posts Afterall and your reach also grows. And there more people, the more the money. Well, I guess you're enlightened now because that is their strategy. What you see, the post and that kind of life you soo desire, it's in fact your money and other people's money.

Haven't you asked yourself, why are they always in your DMs? If really they making the millions they claim to be making from the market, why recruit you? Why are they on your DM's trying, by all means, to make you money?

The problem started when you make most of your money from recruitments, which are people who are desperate to make money. Let me tell you it's easy to make money, and one of the ways is to become a savior to the poor. They will pay you, and they will do anything because they believe in you. And you put it into their face that you're their savior.

The problem started when you can't make money from the market itself, compared to how much money you make from people.

Now they want to arrest you, they are terrorizing you, they have marked you, and they want to kill you because they feel they realized that you sold them a lie. You're not living in peace as your projection.

Some of you, are trading for people yet you do not have a license. Be glad that you're in SA, in other states you be arrested, however, I assure you that peace you do not have. Because you have hurt a lot on your way up, not because you did it legit, but because you took their savings, and you promised them riches.

You went and bought expensive materials with their hard-earned cash. Funny enough, you've got the guts to shove it into their faces.

And now it's hard to stop because you've got bills to pay, and moreover you have to keep up the image. You're industry it's about luxury, buying and living expensive. You've got to keep up the image. I wonder if you've got peace.

And the more you wanted to appear rich, there more you spent on expensive materials. Now you've got to pay, and you know deep down that you can't make money from the market, and most of your money comes from people.

Yes, I understand your strategy, but it's bad my friend and you're smart. It's bad in terms of your peace, and it's smart in terms of making money.

In this game of life, the most important thing is peace.

And in the game of business, the most important thing is patience.

You lacked patience, and you didn't wanna enjoy the process. You wanted to join the money trend, I understand, because I was tempted too. But I've always wanted to enjoy the process. Quick money does not make you enjoy the process and the journey to your success.

Back in the days, someone asked me why I'm not trading forex? I simply answered because I could see that it was a trend and I couldn't figure out how will someone make R3 million from the market and come and say let me teach you. Then I noticed left and right everyone was a teacher or somewhat a guru and they suddenly have a strategy to make you rich.

I knew that something is fishy. It can't be. Because I study history, I knew that soon or later there will be exposure. Because the motivating factor left and right was about making money. I knew that things will hit the fan. If you come and you present a thing to me and all you're talking about is "in two months will be millionaires and we will be making millions." Just know, I'm not listening to you.

I said "I'll trade forex when I understand the market, and I can make money from the market. I rather make most of my money from the market, rather than preying on people to give me their hard-earned money because I lied about my gains."

And I further said " the reason I'm not into forex it's because I have always been passionate about entrepreneurship and building a brand and stuff. My passion is in PR, branding, entrepreneurship, and social media marketing."

I said, "I'll not do it just because I want to make money."

I knew back then that if a motivating factor is just money. You better believe that it's a scam or a pyramid scheme. I repeat forex is not a scam, but traders have become scammers by capitalizing on people's ignorance.

And the minute people open their eyes and see you for who you are, they'll start fighting you and you'll live a hard life.

So I studied the trend back then. When this forex thing was popular and I was like Nah "If it cost me my peace, then it's too expensive."

Dear Future Millionaire, if you're about to start a business or embark on the journey of entrepreneurship. Read this letter

Get the perspective. It's about you figuring out that you're on this journey not only because you want to make money. Figure out whether what you're building is a scam or something legit.

Ask yourself

Are you building pyramid schemes because you're so greed to have a lot of money or are you building an empire that will change lives and change the course of history?

This nor a letter of hate, but a letter of inspiration because I write to my fellow hustlers

and I know some personally, who somehow they got themselves into real shit. They won't admit it, but they know. I guess it's a way of learning

It's a way of learning not to let greed get in a way of your passion. Always think, "if it cost me my peace, then it's too expensive."

Until Next Time

Siya Success

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