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  • Writer's pictureSiya Success

"what you learn, you'll soon earn from it."

Updated: Sep 1, 2019

Its Tuesday morning and I have this crazy train of thoughts, and I’m like: “I might be gifted with a train of thoughts.”However that might be my thinking, and I go deeper and deeper in understanding that there are people who “earn” from their thoughts. Yes, their “income” is based on their opinions, philosophies, ideas and thoughts.

What is a “Train of Thought,” It is defined as a ‘series of thoughts or ideas that someone is having.’ or can be defined as ‘the flow of different thoughts one experiences when thinking.’ 

So, these people write thoughts that motivate, empowers, entertains and inspire others and change in society. They can sometimes be controversial from what society deems to be. And I think that is why we have writers, novelists, activists, columnists, songwriters, philosophers, thought leaders, songwritters, producers and more.

I think it goes to all multibillion-dollar worth industries or any other fields in the world. Whether be in music, animation, movies, TV-Shows, books, entrepreneurship or any other entertainment.

Think for a moment, for a comedian to go up on stage whether be Trevoh Noah, Dave Chappelle or Kevin Hart; they write their bars or jokes. So does Jay Z or Angelina Jolie...

They’ve got producers and scriptwriters who write for them. However, it takes having content and a series of thoughts to do that.

So this content was inspired by my twitter thread under the #TuesdayThoughts and this is how I started it. I had this quote in my head that goes like; “what you learn, you’ll soon earn from it”

Since my content is about the Success Talk, my tweet was to inspire those who will read it. To continue their journey and should not give up. I was telling them to focus

To focus on their future. To focus on their expertise, skills and work hard. To do something every day that will take them into the person they wish to be. And here where the line; “what you learn, you’ll soon earn from it,” came through a series of thoughts.

Taking it back to myself: I realized that I’m one person, who even when I consume content, whether be a movie, music, documentaries or series.

It’s always something that is beneficial to me or my future. Its something I choose to learn or adopt a certain skill or have knowledge of something. It’s with a certain benefit. I learn beyond the music itself, the docu or movie…

Why? Because I choose to learn. It's not only about entertainment or just been bored. Whether I’m on YouTube or Netflix, what I consume is always educational, even though it might be for pleasure or entertainment. I have trained my mind to find something out there.

I think beyond- how it’s done, produced or written. I learn, and I learn…

I choose to learn. I think; why was it done? For what purpose? How does it make revenues? Who produced it? Why is called with this name? What's the purpose of its branding or brand name? How did they come out of it? Who wrote this show? What is the Agenda or propaganda thereof?

Because I know when you remove the letter “L” from the word LEARN, you are therefore left with the word “earn.” True, as I said before; there are people who make their income based on their content, based on what they have learned, researched and gathered though their life's experience. So, what am I saying? I say, learn in everything. Your life experience can soon be an income for you.

Learn new words, practice your vocabulary, read books, explore new things. Learn history whether be in the music industry, the animal kingdom, wars, and crimes or whatever; because what you learn you’ll soon make an income from it. Note: I ain't talking about educational learning you learn from school, I’m talking about life learning. Your personal development, in your time.

Cambridge Dictionary defines the word “learn” as to receive money as payment for work that you do, or to get something that you deserve because of your abilities or actions

Well evertime i check the world "earn" is always associated with money. I think i'm say to say; “what you learn, you’ll soon earn (make money from it) from it” Have this mentality going foward. You will never worry about success, because you understand the keys thereoff. You understand that, what i need to be doing is to learn, learn, learn and learn.

I write for an entrepreneurial purpose, and my hope is to see our people being entrepreneurial. So this kind of content is to show you that with your expertise, you can be entrepreneurial. 

How is it that in America, they've got scriptwriters, songwriters, thought leaders, who are millionaires, and producers of content who are multimillionaires. I think that is why there is this thing called “An American Dream.” 

We too can have an “ African Dream.” By being more entrepreneurial, and charging for our value. By providing content that is more and more valuable.

Ideas and content that is able to open up new industries, systems and can add more value to the participants.

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