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  • Writer's pictureSiya Success

How Social Media has distracted our views on success?

As we continue the series of #TheRealityofSocialMedia and don’t get me wrong(as you might have checked the title). There are a lot of opportunities, advantages and positive feedbacks on social media. So, in my thoughts, I just give out realities of it. The good and the bad.

In the series, we will not only focus on the bad but also the good. We will just talk about all the realities thereof.

Three Types of people...

In the study of success as you might have heard, it is actually said that there are three types of people.

No 1. Those who make things happen, ( your Mark Zuckerburg, Kevin Systrom, Gary Vee, Influencers,etc)

No 2. Those who watch things happen, (Us, Social Media Users, Twitter detectives)

No 3. Those who wonder what happened.

If you do some introspection, you'll see that...

Social Media has made us spectators. Yes, it has made us watchers. We are constantly there watching, scrolling, liking and commenting. It has made us seek success in the validation of Facebook and Instagram.

As you know some are Twitter detectives (How do you become one, when you have your own life for a living?) Some are just seeking attention, they wanna trend.

The question is: What are you doing with your life? What are you busy with? Most at times, people who are focused; they do not have that much time to be detectives on other people's life.

Imagine, scrolling and connecting the dots about who was where with who by which time what they were wearing how bad it was, ohh they are dating no she was in spain they were both in spain ((clout chasing)

Social media has changed our perception of success...

We covet buying a luxury car or a house or whatever luxury items so that we can, in turn, post them on our Insta or Facebook. So that we can say “I’ve made it.”

You might have made it, but you have made social media to validate your success or achievement. In that order, you were chasing such an achievement so that you can post it. Or who knows I might be wrong. However, if you check correctly that is where we have ended up.

Sometimes it is even beyond that! It has changed our perception to the extent that we end up chasing other people’s success. Because you saw someone on facebook living a big life on a yacht, traveling to the best destiny and posting money. We end up like, envying that! Not only envy it but chase to see it in our lives as well. We now model our dreams on what we have seen on our friend’s social media timelines.

"Most people are chasing the kind of success they saw on Facebook." You can tweet that

Do you know that what you constantly give your attention to, it shapes your belief?

What you hear, listen to and constantly watch. It has a huge impact on your beliefs, and it will soon have an impact on your dreams, goals and achievements

I’ve had to stop myself spending so much time on social media. I hold myself at times and feel guilty, especially if I did not do something beneficial on that day(Like blogging, reading a book, praying etc).

Not only that. I've also had to see who and what kind of content I follow or engage myself in.

I had to make a choice and a decision when it comes to these platforms. I’ll rather, post content that is beneficial, and helpful to others(make things happen, use social media to build your personal brand, business, a movement or a new culture. Speak your voice, build a community, encourage, and inspire change).

Your time is equivalent to your success and worth...

I had to think on how much hours I spend on social media before I end up just been a watcher (a person who watch things happen)

On this part, I feel this is where social media has really become a distraction to our success. It has not only distracted us in our view of success, but it has also become a form or tool that causes us to procrastinate. And just waste precious time.

Do you know that the most valuable thing you own in the world is a minute? Your time is the most valuble thing you possess in the world.

Do you know that if you give it (your minute) to someone they will never give it back? Have you ever wonder how many hours and minutes we spend on Facebook, Instgram and Twitter, actually doing nothing? We are just there scrolling and doing nothing. We have taken the most valuable thing (A decider for our success, which is time) and we have given it to someone.

I once heard someone say that Beyonce spends about more than 8 hours in the studio just singing and practicing. Christian Ronaldo, on the other hand, spends more hours which is about 3–4 hours a day training. Even more… But most of us want to be like them, yet our 8 hours, 3–4 hours a day we spend on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc

It was gonna be better if, we spending this many hours on social media because we are doing business. And we making passive income from it, however most of us are just watchers. So the best way is to be invested that much in social media only when you're doing business from it.

Its about attention...

Our attention is consumed in the world of social media. This things called "Social Media," has not only changed our perception on success. But it has taken the only key to our success, which is our time.

"Building a new skills requires hours and hours invested on the craft."

Social Media has the power to cause us to procrastinate. We get to postpone until and until while on the other hand we are scrolling on these platforms and coveting other people’s lives. We postpone on studying, investing in our dreams and working on a project because we are distracted.

Here is my advice: Always remember that those 2 hours, 5 hours and all those hours you spend on these platforms, you could use them for something meaningful.

You can choose to read or write a book on philosophy, business leadership or whatever subject matter that you think is aligned with your purpose and passions. You can join a gym, or a meditation class or yoga and deal with your physical and mental health.

You can apply for a short course on Public Speaking, or on writing, or a course on PR & Digital branding or you can choose on committing yourself on learning a new language or you can decide joining a cooking class. The point is: You can use that time on developing a new skill in your life. You can use that time on something that will benefit you in two to three years time.

All of us, HAVE THE SAME 24HOURS as our role models and any other successful people in the world, but the difference is where we spend each minute. Once you start valuing your time; you’re then on your way to success. You can not succeed if you avoid, this principle on time.

Because time well invested is equated to success.

The only thing you have is your time, so invest it wisely. Don’t waste it , by doing nothing.

Don’t let these platforms, distract you

The best way is to take advantage of them. Use them to learn, gain knowledge and personal development.

Google… How to be successful? What makes a Millionaire? What are the success habits? Find information, grow your knowledge and invest in yourself

However, you can not invest in yourself. If all you do is waste your time on social media, doing nothing and being a spectator.

On patience...

"Success is a process, that is why you should enjoy the journey."

Every success requires patience and if you are not patient enough. You're likely to give up or get distracted.

Most people are in the wrong success because they lack patience. They got distracted and fallen into the success modeled by facebook.

They not living their passion, talent and doing what they love because of lack of patience. They are living to impress, rather than to impact.

Why? Because they lack patience Why? Because Social Media has made us lose patience, and by so doing, people don’t understand that patience is a gift.

Patience is a gift because you can’t microwave success. Moreover in your way to success you have to take the stairs. You cant use the lift however social media has distracted us to an extent that we think we can microwave success. We think we can use the lift

We have fallen into the trap of instant gratification. We run on anything that promises itself as a way of quick gain and quick success. We have fallen into a trap of get-rich-quick schemes.


It's social media! It has changed our perception of success. In that regards, We are not aware that we are distracted. 

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