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  • Writer's pictureSiya Success

You’re your own economy

Do you know that as a person you’re your own economy? And what do I mean by that? Well, it has to do with the philosophy of success which I have come to learn when it comes to my study of success and life, and therefore, I have come to learn that success is not what you have, but success is who you become and the value you bring into the marketplace or the society.

The great Jim Rohn once said: “Success is not to be pursued; it is to be attracted by the person you become.” Well if that’s the case, what you become determines your economy, your impact, and influence.

Haven’t you wondered why a CEO will get paid more than a receptionist, or manager? I believe their income or salary is based on the kind of impact or value they bring into the organization.

The CEO is executing or contributing to a higher level of the company, and on the other hand, the manager will contribute on the middle level and the receptionist will do so on a lower level of the organization.

The difference is not he tittle, but the difference it in value and if you can master that philosophy, you’ll soon get into the level of the CEO without the title thereof.

Now, you see with that philosophy, do you know that you can be a manager or a receptionist and have other streams of income that is more than the salary of your CEO?

Your title may be that of a receptionist, or manger which is below to that of a CEO, but you can increase your personal value. Therefore, don’t work on the title, but work on your value.

Your title may be your JOB, however, your value is your skill outside your job and that is your side-hustle or passion.

That is why I say you can be your own economy. You can develop your own value which determines your own economy flow.

You see this is looking it on a different perspective and philosophy. Whereby now you can invest in yourself and learn new skills, which are valuable outside or within the boundaries of your organization which you are working for.

What do you do?

Learning is a big keyword you can draw from this writing or talk.

This means that sometimes as a person regardless of the title you hold; you just need to teach yourself new skills and expertise. And always remember that learning is a key principle to success, and

What you need is to…

Teach yourself new skills, new expertise and whether be on digital marketing, social media, corporate & personal branding, marketing, PR, journalism, writing, stock market, blogging, entrepreneurship, philosophy, politics, fashion, design, economy, and finances.

And that is almost on everything you wish or are passionate about.

That’s how you work on yourself. That’s why personal development it’s so important. You get to learn that you’re your own economy and you’re your own money machine.

What’s happening in the world can not affect you, but who and what you become has a lot of impacts.

I believe if you can see and study history, you will learn that during the industrial age, most workers lost their jobs when the digital era started to disrupt most of the industries.

The question is, why? It's simple: They did not have the skills required for the new innovations and jobs.

They had to go back to school and start applying for new courses so that they can adapt to this new way of work. However, I guess and I believe the were those people who had already invested in themselves and learned new skills prior to the disruption.

And sure way, they were smiling from right to left because they were sought-after because they could adapt and had value and the necessary skills required.

You see, it shows that whether the markets are going down or the government is not in support of, or the economy is down or your company is retrenching, however because of this philosophy, you can stay intact.

When things are at this point, and you have invested in yourself into becoming a person of value, you can make money outside these impacts.

For instance, let us say the receptionist we were talking about earlier she or he is a good content creator, and with the money, they were or are earning from their job they invested it into learning about content creation and branding which is are different skills from been a receptionist.

Let's say maybe they built a blog and started a side hustle whereby they help other brands with content and branding. Now, they are open to making money outside their jobs

Their passion or new skills they just learned or are passionate about has the potential to make them money besides only their jobs. Imagine if you could learn music, piano and start producing music while you’re a receptionist, assistant, accountant or manager.

On your part-time, you can start creating music and start selling beats.

Imagine if you can do a cooking course, and start getting clients to cook for. Imagine, if you could master that makeup artistic passion, and start maybe creating YouTube video tutorials and continue hustling for clients in the industry.

You see, now you’re your own economy, and the key is in investing in yourself, in your passion and developing new skills. And I know is not as simple as it is written or said, but it's a key principle.

What I’m just putting out is the philosophy of success and it’s arming yourself with this mindset.

And I really believe with this entrepreneurial mindset if it can be instilled within our people and spread as a culture, we as Africans can start having a better economy. We will have, people who are employees and still are contributing to the economy or society in a creative way outside their respective jobs.

That’s the importance of investing in yourself and thinking outside the box because you get to see and learn that, everything happens as you learn, as you grow and adapt to new skills and expertise.

You get to learn that, life is more about who and what you become and therefore you’re your own economy.

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