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  • Writer's pictureSiya Success

Inside Bill's Brain: Decoding Bill Gates Review

I took some time to stream the new Netflix Original Documentary about Bill Gates titled Inside Bills' Brains: Decoding Bill Gates and I must say; I fell in love with it. Though I expected to see more of his personal life rather than his work or maybe I expected the producer to ask questions such as: What does money mean to you, Bill? But the title says it all; its about Bill’s mind, his brains, his fascination to things and what makes him tick.

Therefore, I set the docu was on my watch list and I have been waiting to learn about the billionaire himself or maybe its because I have always been a student of great entrepreneurs. 

When I stumbled on these Netflix Original documentary trailer through my Netflix, I quickly put it into my watchlist. Why? That’s what makes me tick, this kind of content

 I've always wanted to know about the man who has inspired the world of technology, innovations, and great hunger for change in the world. And I must say; I've watched countless of his interviews and have read about his biography numerous times: I’m always inspired; I want to be like him, I would say 

I have always been fascinated by his thinking, philosophy and his approach to life. I’ve been drawn to him, as much as I have been to many other billionaires and I’m always inspired by differences and the philosophies they carry, however, when it comes to Bill’s thinking he’s remarkable. 

I think he and Steve Jobs are similar because they are of great minds…. 

It's not about the money, or wealth but it has always been about the philosophy they carry which inspires me. They are more of thinkers, who have always wanted to change the world, and they would rather compete about making an impact

Who knows maybe its a key to billions of dollars? Which is changing millions or billions of people’s lives? Making an impact, providing value.

Personally, if you know me, I'm not only a book worm, but I eat dozens of magazines such as Forbes, Fortune 500, and Fast Company. So, I know and have studied a lot of billionaires, companies, and entrepreneurs, however, I’ve always wondered when it comes to Bill Gates. He sits on his own rank and I think as entrepreneurs, creatives and people who want to make an impact into the world, #TheSuccessClubNation we can learn a lot from him, which I must say; his brain 

Hooked into the streaming, the words echoed deep into my ears and spirit; “I don't want my brains to stop working.” I think this statement summed up, Bill Gates in one.

It gave an essence into the docu, he said it with power and echo. It made meaning that the man is about challening his thinking and brains

Proberly the mind is the gateway to success, we don't know.

Asked, what is his worst fear and what did he say? He doesn’t want his brain to stop working. That is a true indication that the man is not about the wealth, the success and the money, but the mind.

That's a true indication, that he’s found his key to living an impactful life which is beyond than making money. It's a true indication that he still wants to continue in challenging his brains, his thinking pattern, and his imagination.

What is your worst fear? He could have an answer; “I don't want to lose my money, my wife, my children and my wealth.” Instead, he does not want his brain to stop working. Or maybe that is what he learned from his mother when she said; “It's not what you get, its what you become.” 

I must say, we deserve more, actually, it should have not been 3 part by a lot of episodes and probably they did a lot of cutting. I think we could have learned more.

This is what I've learned watching the mini-series/docu:

No 1

Bill, he’s a 

He invests in his mind through reading of books, and not just books but books that are complex. Probably he understands the importance of having the right mindset, which I have always been stressing on my blog & talks  

He gives time to thinking. He put things in his mind and he’s always thinking about the next way to change the world. Moreover, he is very smart and intelligent.

 No 2 


With his wife Melinda, Bill Gates chairs the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the world's largest private charitable foundation. Some of us dream of being billionaires only to squander, splash and spend our monies into luxuries, such as expensive Rolex, Yacht, Sports Cars, champagnes, and tailor-made clothes. 

We plan on showing off to the world. Maybe that is where our thinking has gone wrong. I mean, this is Bill, as of 2019 the second richest person in the world and he has held the streak of been the richest person in the world for numerous years.

However, he has consistently given back to the people by campaigning to fight poverty and diseases through investing in global health, education, and energy. He has fully committed his life into changing the world. 

Its a matter of mindset, I must say 

No 3

He’s a 

I’ve once had T.d Jakes saying “You can’t lead if you don't read.” Maybe Bill understand the principle or maybe that is why he has been always been dominant in the industry, he has for many years outsmarted the competition until he's called a monopoly 

Maybe that is why he's led Microsoft into a dominant company into the industry and the market place or maybe that is why he's convinced a lot of Billionaires to give half of their wealth into his foundation 

Maybe that is why he's inspired the Silicon Valley culture or maybe that is why he's a great thinker. Maybe that is why Netflix gave us an interest in his mind, so we can understand that the mind is like a computer or an engine.

It needs to be fed, programmed and invested effectively so. Maybe all things start in the mind.

He's not just a reader but is a #FastReader 

He doesn't read just one book about something but he can read about five different books about something. I think, what was done to us black maybe through slavery or apartheid as history tells it: They never allowed us to read, actually they never wanted us to read because they knew once exposed to information and knowledge then hell would break loose.

Hence our ancestors were deprived of knowledge, which in turn has affected us. Why? because knowledge is power. I think Bill knows the way to hold power is to invest yourself with knowledge.


He could, have chosen to join politics and become a billionaire political, and run for the presidency or hold power in government, but he knew that real power is in knowledge. 

I think that is why he takes his #ThinkWeeks which he calls a time to think about thinks 

Maybe that is where his great ideas come from, and I think as entrepreneurs we can learn one or two from this documentary.


We can learn that great ideas are harnessed. We can learn that we need to take time and think about things. Get to questions things. ask ourselves questions and come up with solutions to the world's problems.


I wrote a blog article about: The Reality of Social Media relaying how it has distracted us into our definition of success, our dreams, and outlook in life. We are forever distracted, and how could we read if we always on our social media platforms?

No 4 

He’s about


What drives him? I think it's his passion to change the world. He’s about solving problems that most people don’t think of, he chases after problems and comes up with solutions 

Maybe he understands that life is useless when you’re not working because when you’re not working you are not challenged and motivated. I mean this is a man that can sleep, take his jet and travel the world 

Go to resorts, hotels, museums, islands and luxurious places of the world, but he chose to follow problems and come up with ideas to change them. Maybe he understands that the only way to change the world and humankind suffering is to come up with solutions.

No 5 


The billionaire still works day and night. He is not rested, he still trying to figure things out. He’s got a full-time schedule and its all about giving back to the world and making an impact into humankind.

I’ll leave it there 

In closing… 

Maybe Netflix or should I say the director Davis Guggenheim did a great work by just giving us his mind, instead of showering us with his luxuries, and closets full of sneakers as well as his fleet of german cars.

Isn't what we are bombarded with on YouTube? The rich, the famous and the billionaire's cribs. Gold chains, watches and jets and so on. 

I think they did us best by showing us the fleet of his books, his in house library and his think week trip. And I must say; I've always wanted to own a library of that kind, and lol, I don't even have a house.

Why? The narrative is shifted, it's no longer about material things. 

It's now about that power, which we all have 

Our powerful BRAINS 

Our MINDS to use 

Our Thinking, to harness 

Our imagination, to explore

Till, again. 

The documentary was directed by the directed by Oscar-winner Davis Guggenheim

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