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  • Writer's pictureSiya Success

The Reality of Social Media

This writing is inspired by a series of thoughts I had lately on Twitter and shared them on my Instagram and Facebook page.

I wrote a twitter thread along those lines.

I love doing threads on twitter because they give me more space and more platform to explain my thoughts.

Through threads, I get to write a lot of content, with no limits.

I guess it is because I just love writing, and blogging in general.

If you are not following me on any social media platforms, you are missing out on some meaningful, thoughtful and valuable content. I believe my content has to do with MINDSET, different VIEWS and just my own thoughts/look on PR, Branding, Entrepreneurship and OHH MONEY as well.

I deal with PERSPECTIVES and different definitions. Which is: Not what the society says or has built a thing to be!

So I deal with higher thought, which is a different thought from the society.

I’m that kind of a person who would not define success as the whole society defines it. I deal with REALITY and the psychology of it.

The psychology behind a thing, whether be consumers, products, brands, and services. I’m more of PSYCHOLOGY…

And if you think you have 20k followers or 365k followers and you be like “What's the use of following someone who doesn’t have even 10k followers.” I guess that’s the reality of SOCIAL MEDIA on its own…

People don’t understand that you can find VALUE even from the smallest person in town.

It's not about the followers, it’s about influence, the thoughts, the content, the conversation and the value that you can get from that person. It takes words to change lives, not fame.

Therefore, I would love if you can hit the follow button @ Siya_Success

To prove that social media is powerful is simple, and that can be seen in our modern age patterns. These Platforms are so powerful that they can influence our views on politics, agenda, goals, propaganda, companies and success in general.

The second aspect can be seen in how addictive these platforms are. We are a generation of likes and followers. Yes, we are constantly on our phones. Whether we be on Instagram, Facebook, Whatsapp or Twitter. We are living there 24/7 scrolling, browsing and reading the news on TMZ or consuming videos on Youtube or Netflix.

We are always there...

That is the reality of it!

However, these platforms are so powerful that they can drive consumer behaviors, disrupt the traditional way of doing business and influence identity.

Social Media can be seen as a tool for marketing a new product or service, gaining publicity and building a brand. It can be a place for a good start, however, it depends on how one sees it. Is it just for fun, are you using these platforms just for fun or business purposes? That is up to you, and rely on you.

I am always fascinated by people who do a lot of conversations on twitter about growth in unemployment and I see others who are constantly looking for jobs. Well, this writing is for such people.

How do we shift a focus from hire a graduate to: graduate build your portfolio? I think we need to shift the mindset, and we need to shift the conversation.

Why is it that companies are not hiring a graduate? I think they don't see the value thereof or they don't have money to pay them, graduates.

In my own opinion, I think social media can play a vital role in your career building, and job marketing as a graduate. Your feed is so important that when you say “I studied journalism.” and your feed can back up that. Then you are good to go.

Let's say you studied that journalism. What should you do now? I told you that social media is so powerful that it has changed businesses and how consumers behave. It has changed how we brand products and services.

It has changed how we do sales, and I surely believe that it has also changed the hiring processes

So what do you do ? Well you...

Find stories, cover stories and become #LatestStorywithSiyaSuccess #CoveragebyPeter

Build the conversations and real content of what you have studied around your hashtag or social media handles. Become the authority, become the business and soon or later the companies whom you wished to work for will be getting the latest stories from you BECAUSE tHEY WOULD HAVE SEEN YOUR CONVERSATIONS AND CONTENT ON SOCIAL MEDIA

They would have seen that you are the authority of journalism. You studied it, you can speak it and you can deliver it. Not from some company, but from your own social media platforms.

And who knows they might not hire you, they might work with you. That's a huge difference.

It means you are not working for them, but you are working with them. So now you don’t charge in a salary, you charge in fees and invoices. You are reaching where they can’t reach, and they get to cover your stories/content to their platforms. You are also providing actual scenes, photographies and real untold stories.

You are more of a business, and a self-employed graduate who is crafting on their own and then you start looking for assistance from other graduates who are unemployed. You start building a community of social media platforms full of unemployed journalists, photographers, content creators, and editors. You start looking for bloggers, or website creators and you work in remote areas, boom you have your own media agency that is providing stories online. I don’t know, maybe I’m getting into my head.

My preaching is: Don’t look for a job, showcase your skills, brains, and the knowledge of what you have learned from school on your social media feeds. These are not the times to be making fun, and playing fun on social media. These are the times of whereby you are supposed to be building your personal brand and CV on social media through the conversations you are having and the kind of content you are posting.

I will be doing a series on these thoughts and I hope you will get inpired. If you have any comments, please leave below and lets engage.

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