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  • Writer's pictureSiya Success

Why customers do not like to be sold to, but love buying?

Answering this question will help you find keys to building a product, brand or service that everyone would want to have.

As entrepreneurs, creatives and business owners, we have to ask ourselves -why customers do not like being sold to? Personally, as a customer, I do not like been sold to — but I do love buying.

I have seen this especially when I walk into a store and a sales agent and representatives approach me and they try by all means to sell to me. 

Just like when you're walking around the streets and someone approaches you to hand you a pamphlet or they stop you and then they try with all convincing words to sell to you some of their products or insurance - I have experienced this and it sucks

I’m sure you have also switched off your phone and dropped it with irritation and frustration from private calls which are coming from call center agents who are calling from whether be from insurance, telecommunication or travel company — and want to sell you their services or products — It sucks, I know 

What do they do? Why are they calling you? They want to sell to us and we do not like it.

“It's not nice when someone checks on us only when they are in need or want something from us — this also applies in business.”

You see, it's in us and in all of us as customers — we do not like being sold to, but we do love buying 

The question we should ask is, why do we love buying but do not like being sold to?

I certainly believe that if we as entrepreneurs, and creatives ask ourselves this question, we would definitely sell products or services that customers never thought they really wanted, with no convincing words but they would run to buy them — because we understand that customers will pay for value

Just check for instance when it comes to Apple Inc Smartphones which are called or branded iPhone

What Steve Jobs and the whole crew of Apple did was to build and create something that is more than just a brand or product — the focus was to build a culture, a movement and a follower of rebels, geniuses, and world changers 

You see, when you’re buying an iPhone it gives you some sense of feeling, some sense of appreciation and achievement — it instills some status and makes you some part of a big movement that is changing the world. 

It’s not only Apple Inc that is doing that — many brands and companies have realized that you don't need to sell to the customer, you just have to build a brand and a product with an essence of building a movement or community.

Look for example how Nike Inc grew into a Multibillion-dollar company or empire — It's with the same principle I’m talking about and I think Phil Knight incorporated them into Nike empire

They are not just selling to you — They are not out trying to convince customers, and it's embedded into their marketing, branding and advertising division.

I have never worked at Nike Inc but I can tell you by just observation and much studying of great companies that they have become a phenomenal brand — their slogan “just do it” has been imprinted into our minds and it means more than it means to us. When we hear it, we automatically think of Nike products 

And check, it's not, “just buy it” but is: JUST DO IT! 

They are not selling to you — they are telling you. They know that you have dreams, aspirations, and goals — they just say if you want to do it, do it with Nike 

So, don't just sell but become a phenomenal brand — a product that everyone will want to have. If you check, Nike sponsors athletes all around the world. Not just athletes, but ones who are making a mark, who have been labeled as legends and icons in their respective fields.

It has become a product of status, achievement, and success — It has become a culture, a movement, and a society of achievers — Its no loner you having customers, but is you having customers as part of the family.

Another example is that of Starbucks Coffee — Howard Schultz did not just sell coffee, but he sold a brand and a culture. Studying and following him you will learn that he has always been a CEO that preached about values, more than profits. He went into building Starbucks so that he can change the narrative, create a culture and a community.

Most at times, potential customers are busy with their daily lives, working for their hard-earned cash and suddenly you come upright and want to sell to them - it feels like you’re only out for their money

It’s not because they don’t want to buy, is because they don’t want to be sold to — again its because all you see is making money from them, therefore it reeks desperation.

You should ask, why do people don’t like when they are being sold to? You’ll learn that:

  1. Customers do not like been sold to because it irritates them,

  2. They do not like been sold to because it feels like they are been convinced,

  3. They do not like been sold to because it feels like they are been forced

  4. When you try to sell to customers, it comes out in desperation

  5. They feel like is not their choice

It will change the way we sell and communicate our product to our audiences, and it will change the narrative of business and entrepreneurship. We will start building and creating brands that are with the essence of spreading culture, a movement, an ideology, a philosophy, a mantra and a community of like-minded people.

Don't just sell, build a movement, a disruptive brand, and a cult-like brand 

Once we understand why do customers do not like been sold to? It will change how we create, invent and produce products, Just think for a moment…

Don't just sell, be revolutionary!

Once you understand this concept, you’ll be able to build a brand which people will connect and resonate with — Because you represent a revolution.

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