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  • Writer's pictureSiya Success

Why is Social Media Killing our Dreams? #AboutDreams

I read a tweet by Gerard Adams that says; “Slow success builds character, fast success builds ego.” And a series of thoughts came to me about dreams. My mind went to and fro….


I began to think about the potential of a dream. However, I realized that one can give up or give in, especially when a dream does not manifest. Or when they see their Instagram friends.

They end up soaking under pressure and they began sabotaging their dreams, passion, and talent.

I came into my mind that, it is because many fail to understand the process of success.

They fail to understand that real success takes time. The reason they fail to understand is that it is difficult to think like this in the age of instant gratification.

We are living in the age of Twitter, Instagram, and the internet. All things are social media and streaming. Everything is in the touch of the button and we end up thinking so is our dreams.

This simply means that fast success can kill you, while slow success can build you. That is understanding the process of success.

When things are not going your way you should be patient and you should enjoy the process because after all, you’ are not doing it for others, you are doing it for yourself.

You should see slow success as an opportunity for character building and most importantly you should see it as a great PR Story.

Haven’t you seen that; people who have had it the hard way always have a story to tell.

Their messaging is different and their success story works as a tool for inspiration.

Just think of Jk Rowling, she had it the hard way. Think of the remarkable visionary, the late Stan Lee the man who made, wrote and created movies like Spider-Man, thee Iron Man, The Avengers, Captain Marvel and many more. He only found his big break after his 40s

Vera Wang, the most famous fashion designer was 40 when she entered the fashion industry

Samuel L. Jackson, was 46 years old when he finally got a starring role.

Ray Croc was 53 years old when he started working with the McDonald Brothers and he was 59 when he bought his first McDonald’s

What is a dream? What does it take for dreams to manifest? Why should we have dreams?

A dream is a PATIENCE

You should follow your passion, and work on it until it becomes a SUCCESS

Because they make the world a better place. They change us, they transform us and off course we were made dreamers.

And always remember that:

Success tastes sweeter when it has taken some time. It is magnified, treasured and it has a sense of legacy.

“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”

Harriet Tubman

I certainly believe that “there is no success without a dream.” Social Media suppose to be a vehicle and a tool in empowering our dreams. We should use it to build our craft, ideas, and art.

We should use it in the advantage of building our dreams. It should not be about ego, self-gratification, and impatience. Comparing ourselves amounts ourselves. Don't let it kill your dream, but let it build your dream.

Create a story in it.

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