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  • Writer's pictureSiya Success

Your Intuition is very important.

The question, therefore, is: Why is it important? Why should we care? What is this thing called intuition? Because some may even call it a spirit, God, guidance from the ancestors or just a feeling from the heart. Note: I’ll write in a perspective of success and entrepreneurship.

First, we’ll have to define the term itself. What is intuition? What does it mean to have intuition? Why is it important for you as a thinker, hustler, artist, go-getter, visionary, leader, entrepreneur or world changer to give focus into your intuition? Well maybe is Because your success depends on it or maybe not.

Or maybe I should have headlined this piece of writing as: Why is intuition key to your success? Don’t get me wrong, I ain't saying it is; however the purpose of this writing and blog is to focus on some deep thoughts. To just think out of the box and find examples, perspectives and more

So according to the dictionary, the term “intuition” is defined as ‘an impression that something might be the case.’

So Intuition is a belief, an impression, notion or an opinion.

There is a famous quote by the legendary entrepreneur Steve Jobs about this thing called intuition. He said it likewise "Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary."

In his biography, Jobs told author Walter Isaacson, about his vacation in India and he outlined the experience by saying “The people in the Indian countryside don’t use their intellect as we do, they use their intuition instead, and their intuition is far more developed than in the rest of the world.”

He closed by saying "Intuition is a very powerful thing, more powerful than intellect, in my opinion. That’s had a big impact on my work.” Said Jobs

Have you ever considered that the things we see in the world, such as remarkable innovations… 

They were a product of the mindset and imagination? These were first thoughts and a hutch from the heart.  They were first a will, a desire, and feeling to do something and change the world. 

That desire first sparked within someone’s mind and the heart. And

They sort of like had a feeling to create, innovate and change the world. 

So my quote is “everything there is, was first in the mindset and within the hunch of someone.”

Someone somewhere first had thought of it and had a feeling to do it. They didn't let that intuition down, they followed it and executed on it. I think that is what happened to the Wright Brothers or Should we say, JK Rowling

I somehow believe that intuition is a push and a drive behind every success story. I have never met someone successful who said " somehow, I didn't believe it. I didn't have a feeling or a picture of it."

You can’t win a beauty pageant until you join em applications and you won’t join until somehow you have a feeling (a gut feeling, a hunch) that you were made for pageants.

You can’ write a book until you have an intuition. You can’t write music or start a new podcast and blog until you somehow have a feeling that you were made to do it. 

I think through intuition it is easier to find our purposes and callings in life. That is how easier it is.

You just look within, find your passions and let me tell you; “your intuition will lead you to your passions.” It will just draw you closer and closer.

I think it was Albert Einstein who said: "The only real valuable thing is intuition."

My advice to you is: Don’t underestimate your thoughts, imaginations, and intuitions.

They can soon be an empire or a fortune500 kind company. They can soon be a new industry, a new innovation, a new trend, a non-profit organization and they can soon be a multi-billion dollar project. They can be a remarkable music album, and they can soon be a revolution. They can soon be the most important brand in the world. However, it all starts with intuition.

How far can you think? So then think it, and think different.

How much is the feeling of success on something you are passionate about? So be it, continue and push harder

How far can you see it? Just keep imagining it, mold your world and follow that intuition.

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